Wednesday, 16 March 2011

150 times thanks to be born

Today She is 150, today we have to be united to celebrate Her. 150 years ago in Rome the Italy, as a united state was born, and never before has deserved attention. Different things are happening in Italy. We are living in a period of transformation unable to be completed cause of a bunch of politicians who don't want to admit that their time, the politic's one, is passed away.

In front of one of the most beautiful and historical countries of the world we have to understand where are our roots and who was able to do such a incredible fact: the unification.
Today Northerners are trying to separate the country as the history and the culture of one indissoluble country has never existed. Today we have to stand up, look at what our ancestor did, and being able to find the same courage, to feel what the felt, believe in what they believed, to do what they did. Everything, to prevent this anachronistic aim. Today we have to be one body, one brain, one thought.

150 years ago a baby was born. She was the daughter of the biggest empire ever exited. The daughter of the most intense and highest level of knowledge such as the Renaissance, with its immortal painter and genius (i.e. Leonardo, Michelangelo, Donatello, Raffaello, Piero della Francesca and so on). She was and she is the daughter of poets, saint and navigators. She is our daughter and we have to give her the best gifts: Freedom and Democracy.

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